Wilma Schönauer-Schneider, Susanne van Minnen, Andreas Pohl
Special Editorial: Die Forschung Sprache feiert ihren 10. Geburtstag
Susanne van Minnen, Wilma Schönauer-Schneider
Editorial: Was man tun könnte
Kathrin Mahlau, Stefan Blumenthal, Yvonne Blumenthal
The Competence Profile Spelling – An Empirical Analysis of a System for Structuring Vocabulary inventories
Jana Jungjohann
Complex Subordinate Clauses, Coherence or Inference Making: Differences in Sentence Comprehension In Adolescents with Speech, Language and Communication Needs
Janina Dott, Christine Beckerle, Nadine Minnerup
Perspective of ECEC professionals on language support – focus on children with a migrant/refugee background and German as a second language
Christine Beckerl, Katja Mackowiak
Language support in dyadic picture book reading situations with children with diverse German language competencies– Analyses with the “Extended Observation Tool for Identifying Language Supporting Techniques in Pre- and Primary School Settings” (B-SFT+)
Isabel Neitzel, Falko Dittmann
Mehrsprachigkeit bei Personen mit Down-Syndrom: ein systematischer Review
Multilingualism in individuals with Down syndrome: a systematic review
Deana Maksimović Vidanović, Christina Haupt
Interkulturelle Kompetenz in der Logopädie-Ausbildung im Fokus der Behandlung mehrsprachiger Kinder
Intercultural competence in SLT training focusing on the treatment of multilingual children in Germany
Michaela Trapl-Grundschober
Einnahme von festen Arzneiformen: Ein Risikofaktor bei rezenter Dysphagie nach akutem Schlaganfall?
Medication Intake of Solid Dosage Forms: A Risk Factor for Patients with Stroke-Induced Dysphagia? (MedISID)