Christoph Till, Erich Hartmann, Julia Winkes und Barbara Rindlisbacher
Sentence comprehension performances of children with and without SLI according to the TROG-D and a swiss-german adaptation
Susann Tiede, Jörg-Uwe Braun
Has the Equity of Opportunities Already Become Reality for Children with Speech Acquisition Disorders? An Empirical Cross Sectional Study for the Quantification of the Needs for Speech Therapeutic Interventions in Primary Education.
Rebecca Schuler , Claudia Glotz
Anbahnung von konzeptioneller Schriftlichkeit in Mathematiklehrwerken der ersten Jahrgangsstufe
Initiation of conceptual literacy in maths books for the first grade
Sophie Friedrich, Ulrich von Knebel
Speech therapy for successive multilingual children with specific language impairment: An empirical study of current practice concepts in the federal state of Berlin.
Giulia Maria Bradaran
Systematic review: Bilingual vs. monolingual speech intervention of bilingual children
Roswitha Romonath, B. May Bernhardt
Erwerb prosodischer Wortstrukturen bei Vorschulkindern mit und ohne phonologische Störungen
Prosodic word structure acquisition in preschool children with and without phonological disorders