Sandra Schütz
Herzstücke der Forschung zu Sprache und Kommunikation
Melanie Eberhardt & Susanne Nußbeck
Timo browses the Internet. He grabs the mouse and …? –A Study of Language Comprehension in Children with Autism.
Claudia Wirts & Christian W. Glück
Parent-child-interactions How do they influence language acquisition in late talkers and children with normal language development?
Maria Bergau & Katrin Liebers
Pragmatic and Communicative Competencies in Children during the Transition from Kindergarten to Primary School. First findings of a longitudinal study.
Andrea Erdélyi & Ingeborg Thümmel
Hilf mir, es (selbst) zu tun! Neue forschungsbasierte Konzepte in der UK-Fortbildung.
Help me to help myself! New research into concepts for further training in AAC.